We’re A Full Service Dental Milling Company With The Ability To Work With Any Dentist Office In The Country. With Over 30 Years Experience You Can Be Assured That Any Product You Order From Us Will Be Quality.
Using our 3D scanner we’re able to get a detailed render of any pre-existing dental implant you send to our office. From there we’re able to work with it within our software and make any modifications requested.
Before we can mill out your dental implant we have to first take your file or our scan and add in the necessary modifications to make it work.
Our milling machines mill out your patient’s implant and is ready to be sintered.
Once your implant is sintered it moves on to be stained, glazed, polished, and completed.
Once your implant is complete we seal it up in a secure package to be delivered to you, wherever your office is located.
Monday – Thursday: 8AM – 5PM
Friday: 8AM – 12PM
1987 McDade Dental Studio Inc. | All Rights Reserved